bet9九州体育登录: (812) 513-1098 家事法事宜: (812) 725-8226


Divorce is one of life’s greatest stressors; and when disagreements about dividing property come up, 这个案子可能会引发激烈的争论. 离婚时,配偶对谁应该享有什么财产没有达成一致意见, 这会使离婚变得极其复杂, 特别是在 资产过高的情况下 哪些财产不仅包括房屋或宠物, 但企业, 投资, 房地产, 股票, 还有退休账户.

印第安纳州遵循公平分配制度, which means that 资产 and property acquired in the marriage should be divided in a fair and equitable, 但不一定相等, 的方式. 如果你正在考虑离婚,并且你有资产,你担心保留, 你应该和我们有经验的人bet9九州体育登录线路 新奥尔巴尼的离婚律师 避免犯代价高昂的错误.

At 查奇·兰登·洛普·巴内特·劳, our compassionate divorce lawyers understand what you are going through and have the knowledge, 经验, and skill to protect your interests and guide you through the equitable distribution of property. We can explain how 印第安纳州’s divorce law addresses the division of property and allocation of debts and develop solutions that benefit you and your children.


有很多离婚律师, 你需要找一个让你感觉舒服、可以信任的人, 有技能的人, 经验, 以及获得所需结果的资源.  以下是我们认为您应该选择bet9九州体育登录线路的一些原因.

  • 我们经验丰富,了解印第安纳州的家庭法. Dana Eberle律师 作为一名值得信赖的家庭法律律师领导团队. 十多年前她自己也离婚了, she is well aware of the emotional ups and downs that can accompany this type of case and works 帮助 you feel at ease as the case progresses.
  • 我们得到社会的认可并回馈社会. 除了获得律师资格, 埃伯利律师是妇女和家庭中心的董事会成员, 她是妇女和家庭中心南印第安纳伙伴关系委员会的成员, 也是该中心南印第安纳伙伴关系委员会的主席.
  • 我们受到客户的赞赏,你可以阅读 我们的客户是怎么说我们的 为了证明它.
  • 我们很有同情心,知道你正在经历什么. Dana will be there for you through the entire process, making it as pain-free as possible.


处理财产分割时, it is important to start gathering and preserving financial information as soon as possible. 当您聘用CLLB时,我们的法律团队将立即开始为您bet9九州体育登录. 我们将:

  • 与你会面,讨论和分析你个人的婚姻和财产状况, 什么财产对你来说是重要的, 以及离婚后你的未来需求和目标是什么
  • 根据你的情况解释印第安纳州的离婚法和法院系统
  • 帮助你准备有关你收入的必要财务信息, 费用, 资产, 还有离婚前的债务
  • 聘请财务专家,比如评估师, 法医会计师, or actuaries if necessary – to properly evaluate the worth of property or discover if a spouse is hiding 资产.

当你有CLLB为你工作时, 你可以放心,让我们来处理所有的财务和法律细节, 这样你就可以专注于自己, 你的家人, 以及重建离婚后的生活.


印第安纳州 has a different system for dividing property than most equitable distribution states. 在其他州, 离婚时只有“夫妻”财产可分割, 夫妻双方将各自拥有各自的“独立财产”,” which is property they acquired before the marriage or gifts and inheritances they received during the marriage.

印第安纳州法律(印第安纳州. 法典§3115-7-4)要求夫妻双方分割所有财产,包括财产 . . .

  1. 婚前为夫妻任何一方所有
  2. 由配偶一方在结婚后和最终分居前自行获得
  3. 通过他们的共同努力获得.

这意味着,在印第安纳州,唯一的财产 subject to distribution in divorce is property either spouse individually acquired on their own after they filed for divorce or legal separation. 然而, judges may consider whether the property was acquired before marriage or was received during the marriage as a gift or inheritance when determining who will get what.

在大多数情况下, each spouse should wind up with about half of everything they own at the time of divorce. 印第安纳州法律要求法官首先假定 平等的 夫妻财产分割是“公正合理的”.如果你的情况不是这样, 你的律师必须拿出证据证明平等分配是不公平的.



  • 你的主要住所和度假屋
  • 车辆
  • 家具
  • 银行及股票帐户
  • 收藏品
  • 养老金和退休计划
  • 企业的利益
  • 专业学位和任何学位的“提高收入能力”, 结婚证书结婚期间获得的执照或证明.

当如此多的事情处于危险之中, 和你的律师一起准备你的财务信息是很重要的, 最好是在离婚程序开始之前. 在某些情况下, 比如在处理股票和银行账户时, 确定资产的价值相当简单. 在其他情况下,您可能需要我们的财务专家的帮助. If, 即使得到了专家的帮助, 你和你离婚的配偶不能就任何特定资产的价值达成一致, 我们的律师将帮助提供证据供法官裁决. 印第安纳州 gives judges flexibility to select any point between the date the divorce petition was filed and the date of the final divorce hearing to establish property value, 这可能会随着时间的推移而改变.

在某些情况下, 配偶可能已经签署了一份婚前协议,说明如何分配资产, 这使得这个过程更容易.

任何协议都必须得到法官的批准, 谁会这样做,只要他们看起来是公平的. 然而, 如果不能达成协议, 或者事实表明不平等的财产分配会更公平, our property division lawyers will be aggressive in presenting your side to the judge.

If you or your spouse believe there are valid reasons why an un平等的 division of property is fair, 我们将提供的证据可能包括:

  • 双方的经济贡献,例如购买房产
  • 婚姻双方在婚姻期间的行为, 例如,如果配偶一方因沉迷赌博而浪费财产
  • 双方过去、现在和未来的盈利能力
  • Special economic circumstances, such as if one spouse lacks ability to earn money after divorce
  • Which party will take primary responsibility for children and whether that spouse gets the family home
  • If a spouse acquired the property before the marriage or received it as an inheritance or gift (judges may consider this despite 印第安纳州 laws to the contrary).

Whether you are the spouse who’s arguing for an un平等的 property division or against it, our property division legal team will investigate and gather evidence on your behalf to prove the most fair and reasonable division under the circumstances.


离婚分割财产时,自然会有疑问和担忧.  Here are some answers to questions our clients frequently ask about property division:



  • 给予配偶双方同等价值的财产
  • Requiring the spouse who receives certain property to pay the other spouse a fair share of the property’s value
  • 让配偶出售财产并分配收益.

What do I do if my spouse refuses to adhere to the property division provisions in our prenuptial agreement?

Pre- and post-nuptial agreements are contracts, subject to breach-of-contract enforcement. Our lawyers will review your agreement to ensure it was done correctly and can be enforced by the courts, and we will advocate on your behalf to ensure your spouse adheres to legally made provisions.


而一个专业的实践或业务受制于公平分配, 有时拆分一个运作中的实体是不可取的. 在这些情况下, the spouse who is running it may be awarded the business or practice and the other spouse would then be awarded a不her asset or property to satisfy equitable distribution.


退休计划是离婚财产分割的一部分, but may require expert help to figure out what the plan is worth and to prepare a special order known as a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). 可以设定一定比例的福利,稍后支付给配偶一方, since some employment-related accounts are 不 yet eligible for payout as of the valuation date.


Judges often take into account the possibility that a custodial spouse may need to own or continue living in the family home and then typically award different 资产 to the other spouse to arrive at a fair division. 如果没有足够的其他资产来平衡房子的价值, 房子可以卖掉,收益可以分割. One party may also have the option to “buy out” the other party through a refinanced mortgage.


印第安纳州法官在离婚案件中判宠物所有权给一方, 就像其他私人财产一样.

在CLLB Law, our legal team will be there for you to answer your questions and explain your options, 在整个离婚过程中.


The process of dividing property and 资产 when going through a divorce can be extremely challenging and affect the rest of your life. 如果你担心财产分割会对你产生怎样的影响, rest assured that the 印第安纳州 property division lawyers at Church Langdo Lopp Banet Law will do everything possible to protect your rights and help you through this difficult period.

为任何离婚案件提供专业的律师bet9九州体育登录, 请致电812-725-8226与我们bet9九州体育登录线路. 总部设在新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, we proudly serve communities throughout 肯塔基州; Floyd County, IN; and Clark County, IN.

不要犯代价高昂的错误——让我们的 家庭法律师 为您协商最佳的物业分割情况. 拖延只会让你的情况更糟,所以今天就打电话给我们.



We invite you to bet9九州体育登录线路 our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.

Discover why so many businesses and individuals have come to rely on our trusted advice and proven advocacy.


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      新奥尔巴尼, IN 47150
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