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当你正在经历离婚的时候, our Corydon 离婚律师 understand that it can feel like the entire world is working against you. 你即将成为前任的配偶可能会指责你一些令人难以置信的事情. 朋友们可能会开始对你另眼相看, 尤其是当你的配偶对你的行为夸大其词的时候. 你可能正在努力寻找一个新的住处.

没有人应该独自经历这样的离婚. 你需要法律上的支持,但你也需要有人在你身边. 我们的科莱登离婚律师也会这么做. 相信Church的团队, 兰登, Lopp, 巴奈特·法能熟练地代表你, 同情心和对保护自己最大利益的关注. 我们的 Corydon divorce attorney will not back down during contentious divorce negotiations and hearings, making sure that we do everything we can to protect your rights and 帮助 you have the best chance of working toward the solution you want to see.




我们的Corydon团队, IN, divorce attorneys collectively has several decades of experience representing our clients in multiple legal areas, 包括离婚. 不管客户为什么来找我们, we always focus on listening to their needs and then always working toward meeting those needs. We take pride in our ability to keep our clients informed about the progress of their case at every step along the way. 我们永远不希望你怀疑或猜测你的案子的状态. 我们的Corydon离婚律师会和你讨论策略, 所以我们所有人的想法总是一致的.

Dana Eberle律师 经常是我们家庭法和离婚案件的首席律师. She knows the importance of helping couples and families work through the divorce process as successfully as possible, 总是致力于为孩子们提供最好的解决方案. 她知道离婚会带来的压力和失落感. 通过尽可能彻底地为您处理法律方面的问题. Eberle and our entire team at CLLB Law will do everything we can to reduce your stress level as you go through your divorce, 这样你就可以专注于生活的其他方面.

当你准备好讨论我们的Corydon离婚律师如何代表你的时候, 请尽快拨打812-725-8224. We promise to listen to you, so we know how to craft the best possible strategy in your case.


当你正在经历离婚的时候, 你可以主要关注诉讼程序的一个特定领域, 比如你的孩子会住在哪里,或者你是否能保住你的房子. 这可以理解. 我们在科莱登的离婚律师, IN, know that we need to focus quite a bit of our effort in representing your interests on the areas of your divorce outcome that are most important to you.

However, we also know that we cannot ignore the other aspects of the overall divorce process. 我们在科莱登的离婚律师, IN, 为您提供全方位的代表, finding the perfect balance in how we emphasize the areas of the divorce that are most important for you without losing focus on the other areas. 我们将为您提供强有力的代表的一些领域包括.


印第安纳州法规§31-15-7-5 讨论在国家离婚诉讼中的财产分配. 法院预计,大多数离婚夫妇将平均分配财产, 创造最公平的环境. This does not mean that you must sell everything you own and then split the proceeds equally. Instead, you can make trade-offs, so you each end up with property that has a nearly equal value. 例如, 如果你有特定的财产项目,你想在离婚时保留, 我们的离婚律师知道这一点很重要. We then can craft our negotiating strategy to offer to give your spouse another piece of property that is of a nearly equal value.

另外, our Corydon divorce lawyer knows that the state statute allows for a few situations where an equal distribution is not proper. This means that we can work toward collecting facts that show why you should have a greater share of the property. 这些因素可能包括:

  • 夫妻双方对财产积累的贡献
  • 配偶一方是否将特定财产带入婚姻
  • Whether one spouse will have primary custody of the children and wants to remain in the family home
  • 离婚后夫妻双方的赚钱能力.


尽管州政府有具体的指导方针 决定印第安纳州的子女抚养费, there are certain situations where the court allows the divorcing couple to move away from the guidelines. 我们的Corydon离婚律师知道你想给孩子最好的, but that you also want to be certain that the funds you are paying in child support are directly going to the well-being of the kids. This is a tricky situation that can be tough to discuss in a civil manner with your ex-spouse, but trust that we can use our experience in cases like yours to attempt to come to a settlement that gives the kids the financial support they need.

Ultimately, two primary factors will play a key role in determining child support payments.

  • When one spouse earns more money than the other spouse, that spouse may end up paying child support.
  • 如果孩子们会 主要与父母一方生活,另一方可能会支付子女抚养费.

我们在印第安纳州Corydon的离婚律师知道孩子的抚养费很昂贵. It can be frustrating to have to turn over such a large amount of your income for child support, especially if you suffer a change in your income from a cutback in hours or a similar situation. We work hard to present facts that show the court why your situation may not warrant the awarding of the typical child support payment amount.


Spousal maintenance is another area that often results in disputes during divorce negotiations. The court will look at a number of factors when attempting to determine whether a projected spousal maintenance payment is truly fair to both parties, 如:

  • 离婚后双方潜在的赚钱能力
  • 配偶双方在离婚时将得到的财产数额
  • 配偶中的一方是否需要接受培训才能重返职场
  • 配偶一方是否负担另一方的教育费用
  • 配偶一方是否会照顾身体或精神残疾的孩子.

Both spouses will need to submit financial disclosure forms that show the potential for income they will have after the divorce. 双方在这些文件中必须完全诚实, ensuring that neither side is trying to hide income to change the potential amount awarded in spousal maintenance. If you believe that your ex-spouse is hiding funds or is lying on forms in an effort to force you to pay a greater amount in spousal maintenance than you should, our Corydon divorce lawyer knows how to dig through the facts in the case to find the truth. We will do everything we can to make sure that your spouse is following the law in 印第安纳州 regarding financial disclosure.



在我们多年代理离婚客户的过程中, 柯瑞顿在教堂的离婚律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law know that a one-size-fits-all strategy is not the best way for us to represent you. 我们花时间倾听你的声音. 我们需要知道你到底想从离婚诉讼中看到什么, 所以我们可以制定一个策略来达到预期的结局. 你可能想要保留一辆老爷车,保留某些家具,或者接收 离婚时的宠物监护权.

我们的 离婚律师 在青年, IN, 一定会借鉴我们过去帮助客户取得成功的策略吗, 但我们会根据你的具体需求调整这些策略. 我们知道每个案例都有其独特的方面, 我们会根据这些方面对你的形象进行调整.

It may be surprising to learn that the majority of divorce cases never end up going through a formal litigation process in court. 在大多数离婚情况下, 双方通过谈判达成协议,然后提交法庭批准.

You need a highly experienced team of negotiators on your side to give you the best chance of trying to win the divorce settlement you are seeking. 要讨论您的案件,请今天致电812-725-8224与bet9九州体育登录线路bet9九州体育登录线路.


We invite you to bet9九州体育登录线路 our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.

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