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如果你被逮捕并被指控犯罪,你需要所有你能得到的帮助. 只要你在印第安纳州被指控犯罪, 控方开始收集证据并对你立案. 如果你被判有罪, you will have to deal with serious repercussions that can negatively impact the rest of your life. 你不仅会面临罚款, 缓刑, 还有牢狱之灾, 你将有一个永久的犯罪记录,这会损害你的家庭和人际关系, 毁掉教育和事业的前景, 让你无法获得诸如学生贷款之类的福利, 专业执照, 住房和移民福利.

这不是你想独自解决的问题. 保护你的权利和自由, get help from an experienced criminal defense lawyer who knows how to handle your case to increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

的 Jeffersonville criminal defense lawyers at Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law firm (CLLB) know the courts, 错综复杂的刑事司法系统, 以及检察官用来定罪的策略. 你越快bet9九州体育登录, the sooner we can get to work to build a case for your defense and keep you from making mistakes that can be used against you. 我们在整个刑事辩护过程中提供支持, 与您沟通并随时通知您, 积极争取你的权利和自由. 



选择一名刑事律师会对你的案件结果产生很大的影响. It is important to look for a lawyer who has experience dealing with the 印第安纳州 criminal justice system and local courts, 还有技能, 资源, 出庭为你想要的结果而战. 这里有一些原因,为什么我们觉得CLLB刑事辩护律师在杰斐逊维尔, IN, 是你最好的选择吗?

  • 我们有必要的经验. 我们Jeffersonville attorneys have successfully defended clients against misdemeanor and felony charges ranging from DUI and drug offenses to robbery and possession of stolen property. 马克·陶菲克律师重点是审判工作和刑事辩护.
  • 我们与法官建立了关系, 检察官, 法庭人员, so know how to work with them and can anticipate and address challenges that may arise during your defense.
  • 我们为每个客户提供个性化的方法. 我们知道每个刑事案件都是独一无二的, 我们会给予你应得的个人关注.
  • 我们知道如何调查和立案.  我们的律师会花时间彻底调查您案件的细节, 收集证据, 比如犯罪现场的照片和视频, 化验及警方报告, 和证人面谈,建立强有力的辩护. 
  • 我们知道如何谈判和辩诉交易. 我们的律师可以与检察官合作,探索审判的替代方案, 比如减刑或辩诉交易, 在适当和需要的时候.
  • 我们知道如何在法庭上为你辩护. 如果你的案子进入审判阶段, 我们将积极争取你的权利, 提出令人信服的辩护, 质疑控方的证据, 盘问证人,质疑他们的可信度.


Although the law states that you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, 一旦被指控, 人们常常被当作已经被定罪的人对待. 控方想要定罪, and will use all the evidence possible to support its claim and minimize the defendant’s 宪法al rights to make this happen. 当你聘请杰斐逊维尔的刑事辩护律师时, we will get to work immediately to make sure you are protected and your rights are not violated.  我们将:

  • 和你见面,听听你为什么被指控犯有所谓的罪行
  • 确定应对指控和处理指控的最佳方式
  • 告知你的权利,并确保警察和检察官遵守适当的程序
  • Prevent you from making common mistakes many unwary defendants do and from saying or doing anything that would negatively affect your case
  • 以你的名义出庭处理保释和传讯事宜
  • 通过检查犯罪现场来建立强有力的辩护, 收集证据证明你的清白, 采访目击者, 审查警方报告, 寻找检察官案件中的弱点和错误
  • Negotiate with 检察官 and handle plea bargains for a lesser charge or dismissal of charges
  • Take your case to trial and advocate on your behalf to convince a jury that there is reasonable doubt that you committed the crime
  • 必要时提出上诉.

在教堂,兰登·洛普·巴内特律所, 我们认为你应该得到强有力的法律代理, 不管你面临什么样的指控. 我们Jeffersonville 刑事辩护律师 会努力争取辩诉交易协议让你免于牢狱之灾吗, 或者至少减少它, 如果你觉得这是最好的选择. 如果你上了法庭, 我们可以把你的说法告诉法官和陪审团, 揭露控方的案件和证人的不可靠和不可信, 并提供证据说明为什么应该存在合理怀疑.


Both the United States and the state of 印第安纳州 provide 宪法al protections to individuals who have been arrested and taken into custody for questioning for being suspected of having committed a crime or offense. One of your first rights is to ask for an attorney who can make sure you are treated properly and help you avoid making mistakes that can give 检察官 a better case. 你应该知道的重要权利包括:

  • To be read your Miranda rights informing you that you have the right to remain silent and not answer questions and to know that anything said can and will be used against you in court.
  • 出示授权逮捕的逮捕令,并告知刑事指控是什么. Police officers are legally allowed to search your home or your property if they obtain a search warrant. You can only be arrested without a warrant if the police have probable cause to believe you committed a crime.
  • 打电话给你的律师或家人.
  • 在审问或排队时有律师在场.
  • 如果你负担不起律师费,可以让法院指定一名律师. 
  • 合理的保释和快速的审判.

美国宪法第五修正案.S. 宪法 provides the right to be free from government compelled self-incrimination and the right to be free from multiple prosecutions or multiple punishments for a single criminal offense.

第六条修正案》 提供拒绝作证的权利, 还有去看的机会, 听到, 让证人指证你.

我们Jeffersonville 刑事辩护律师 know how to defend your rights and use any violations 帮助 your case. Evidence must be obtained properly, and handled properly through an established chain of possession. If we determine through our investigations that evidence was improperly obtained or handled, 我们也许可以把它排除在考虑之外. We design a defense strategy to protect your legal rights and look for legal arguments that may result in charges being dropped or reduced.


印第安纳州的犯罪分为轻罪和重罪, 重罪更严重,惩罚和罚款也更重. 然而, even a conviction for a minor misdemeanor will give you a criminal record that limits your life.


在印第安纳州, a felony is any crime that carries a penalty of more than one year in prison and up to life imprisonment 或者死刑; it is the most serious crime you can be charged with. 下 印第安纳州法典第33卷, 重罪定罪意味着要坐牢, 监督缓刑, 罚款, 一个污点会让你无法胜任大多数专业工作. 印第安纳州的大多数重罪都被定为一级, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, 谋杀和一级犯罪是最严重的罪行.

每个重罪级别都规定了量刑范围, 再加上一句作为指导的忠告, 罚款可能高达10美元,000美元的重罪.  谋杀会带来三种可能的判决——固定的45至55年监禁, 终身监禁,不得假释, 或者死刑. 一级重罪可判处20至40年监禁, 而6级重罪可判处6个月至2年半监禁.


轻罪被认为比重罪轻, 但仍然应该认真对待,因为定罪也可能带来犯罪记录, 被判入狱, 以及巨额罚款. 在印第安纳州, misdemeanors are crimes that are punished by up to a year in jail and designated as Class A, B, 或C, 其中A级最严重. 


  • 一级轻罪:0至365天监禁
  • B类轻罪:监禁0至180天
  • C类轻罪:0至60天监禁.


在印第安纳州的法院系统中穿行可能很复杂, 不同的当地规则和程序会对你的案件产生重大影响. 在教堂,兰登·洛普·巴内特律所, we have the understanding of the local courts and the nuances of the 印第安纳州 legal system that enables us to anticipate and address potential challenges that may arise during your defense. This gives us an edge in building a strong defense strategy tailored to the crime and the specific jurisdiction in which your case is being 听到d.

You only get one chance to put your best foot forward and make the strongest possible argument in your defense, so entrusting your defense to a knowledgeable and skilled criminal defense lawyer who can anticipate the prosecutor’s moves and effectively counter a prosecutor’s arguments is crucial. 我们Jeffersonville criminal lawyers will put every effort possible into the success of your case, whether negotiating a favorable plea agreement or achieving a not-guilty verdict at trial.

Call us at (812) 725-8224 today to get started, and let us fight for your rights and freedom.


马克是肯塔基人,他一生的大部分时间都在这个州生活和工作. 他是肯塔基州和印第安纳州的执业律师, 他的重点是试验工作, 包括民事诉讼和刑事辩护. 他代理过各种各样的客户, 他致力于把客户的需求放在第一位. [ 律师生物 ]


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